Koa Surf School
Barrio Pinar de Arna nº83,39140 SOMO (Cantabria)
Spain GPS coordinates:
43,455589 -3,730123 P: +34 942 501 913
M: +34 685 510 415
E: koa@koaescueladesurf.com
Contact Koa
Koa Surf School (Somo, Cantabria) is open throughout the year. Please contact us by filling out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible. You can also book by phone or Whatsapp (+34 685 510 415) or email.
Koa House address is: Barrio de Pinar de Arna Street, 83 / 39140 SOMO (Cantabria) Spain
Koa Surf School
Barrio Pinar de Arna nº83,39140 SOMO (Cantabria)
Spain GPS coordinates:
43,455589 -3,730123 P: +34 942 501 913
M: +34 685 510 415
E: koa@koaescueladesurf.com